Advanced Certification Courses, Levels 5-10
Level 5 - The Unique Process of Group Sandtray Therapy
This workshop focuses on the unique process of providing sandtray therapy in a group setting. Participants will practice group facilitation skills through experiential and informative learning while focusing on group stages, specific challenges in group therapy, and strengthening facilitation skills. This course qualifies for Level Five by TSTA.
Pre-requisites: Completion of Levels 1-4. (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
1. Identify and discuss the differences between individual and group sandtray therapies.
2. List the stages of group development in group therapy process.
3. Identify the unique challenge of consent, limitations of confidentiality, and documentation as
it pertains to sandtray group.
4. Describe the benefits and therapeutic gifts that can come from choosing group therapy, with
specific focus on sandtray.
5. Observe a sandtray group, identifying and discussing challenges and solutions in
the sandtray group setting.
6. Create and list new ideas and activities to use in their own practices, when choosing to offer sandtray
Level 6 - The Work of Children & Adolescents in SandTray Therapy
In this workshop, participants identify and discuss the developmental stages of children and
adolescents as it applies to sandtray therapy. There are opportunities to
create sandtrays in the presence of an observer (workshop partner) and to practice skills using
symbolic language.
Prerequisites: Level 1 - 4 ; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List and discuss Parten’s Stages of Play and how that affects the outcomes therapists might
see in sandtray therapy.
2. Compare the difference between children and adolescents with regard to sandtray
3. Identify the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional developmental milestones of
4. Identify how the therapist can encourage a “strengthening of self” using sandtray therapy.techniques.
5. Describe the importance of knowledge of child and adolescent play stages in the work
with adults.
6. Identify attachment challenges as children bridge into puberty, and learn therapeutic
approaches to increase positive outcomes.
Level 7 - Exploring the Adult Experience in SandTray Therapy
Participants identify and discuss the unique experiences of adults working in
sandtray therapy. There are opportunities to create sandtrays in the presence of an
observer (workshop partner) and to practice skills using symbolic language.
Prerequisites: Level 1 – 4; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List four potential therapeutic benefits when using sandtray therapy with adults.
2. Compare the difference between children and adults with regard to sandtray in a
therapy context.
3. Identify and explain five reasons why sandtray therapy contributes to
positive outcomes with adults.
4. Describe and discuss three therapeutic goals that can be accomplished with using
sandtray therapy with adults.
5. List three ways that sandtray can help foster adaptive behaviors in adults.
Identify potential solutions to resistance challenges when using
sandtray in the therapy setting.
Level 8 - Utilizing SandTray Therapy with Families & Couples
This workshop includes discussion of advanced professional considerations regarding the use of
sandtray therapy with couples and families. Each participant has an individual sandtray for
practice exercises and for creating individual sandtray worlds.
Prerequisites: Levels 1 – 5; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
This workshop focuses on the unique therapeutic skills required when using sandtray therapy
with couples and families.
1. List three benefits of introducing sandtray within a family system.
2. Identify new techniques for working with couples and families in sandtray therapy.
3. Describe four considerations when assessing whether sandtray therapy is appropriate for
specific couples.
4. Discuss relational skills that can be assessed when using sandtray therapy
with couples and families.
5. List five steps for de-escalation in a therapy session.
6. Demonstrate the therapeutic skills for facilitating sandtray therapy in
the context of couples and family work.
Level 9 - The Use of SandTray Therapy in Identifying and Processing Trauma
In this workshop, participants will have numerous opportunities to develop specific skills in
working with clients who are recovering from trauma. The focus will be on how to support the
client’s work, while taking care of the therapeutic relationship along the way. Participants will
use individual sandtrays to practice and refine skills. This is a TSTA qualified Level 9 course.
Prerequisites 1-4; 12 contact hours / 2 days
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List five indicators that trauma is significantly affecting a person’s life.
2. Describe the DSM-IV definition of a PTSD trauma.
3. Identify at least five ways in which sandtray therapy supports trauma recovery.
4. Discuss the primary goal of trauma therapy.
5. Identify and discuss the three meta themes associated with trauma work
in the sandtray therapy process.
6. Consider the benefits of using sandtray therapy with trauma
survivors concerning the therapeutic relationship.
Level 10 - The Processing of Grief, Utilizing SandTray Therapy
In this workshop, participants will have numerous opportunities to develop specific skills in
working with clients who are moving through current or past grief or loss. The focus will be on
how to support the client’s work during this process. Participants will use individual sandtrays
to practice and refine sandtray therapy skills. This is a TSTA qualified Level 10 course.
Prerequisites 1-4; 12 contact hours / 2 days
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. Identify how the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle fits into the sandtray therapy model.
2. Define Traumatic Grief and how that might be processed in sandtray therapy.
3. Identify at least six situations where sandtray therapy can effectively support a client's
grieving process.
4. Discuss the ways that sandtray therapy can help support the five
different types of grieving styles.
5. List the four support areas that can be effectively explored in the sandtray
therapy process during the grieving process.
6. Name an existential support that can be explored in sandtray therapy.
This workshop focuses on the unique process of providing sandtray therapy in a group setting. Participants will practice group facilitation skills through experiential and informative learning while focusing on group stages, specific challenges in group therapy, and strengthening facilitation skills. This course qualifies for Level Five by TSTA.
Pre-requisites: Completion of Levels 1-4. (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives
Participants will:
1. Identify and discuss the differences between individual and group sandtray therapies.
2. List the stages of group development in group therapy process.
3. Identify the unique challenge of consent, limitations of confidentiality, and documentation as
it pertains to sandtray group.
4. Describe the benefits and therapeutic gifts that can come from choosing group therapy, with
specific focus on sandtray.
5. Observe a sandtray group, identifying and discussing challenges and solutions in
the sandtray group setting.
6. Create and list new ideas and activities to use in their own practices, when choosing to offer sandtray
Level 6 - The Work of Children & Adolescents in SandTray Therapy
In this workshop, participants identify and discuss the developmental stages of children and
adolescents as it applies to sandtray therapy. There are opportunities to
create sandtrays in the presence of an observer (workshop partner) and to practice skills using
symbolic language.
Prerequisites: Level 1 - 4 ; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List and discuss Parten’s Stages of Play and how that affects the outcomes therapists might
see in sandtray therapy.
2. Compare the difference between children and adolescents with regard to sandtray
3. Identify the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional developmental milestones of
4. Identify how the therapist can encourage a “strengthening of self” using sandtray therapy.techniques.
5. Describe the importance of knowledge of child and adolescent play stages in the work
with adults.
6. Identify attachment challenges as children bridge into puberty, and learn therapeutic
approaches to increase positive outcomes.
Level 7 - Exploring the Adult Experience in SandTray Therapy
Participants identify and discuss the unique experiences of adults working in
sandtray therapy. There are opportunities to create sandtrays in the presence of an
observer (workshop partner) and to practice skills using symbolic language.
Prerequisites: Level 1 – 4; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List four potential therapeutic benefits when using sandtray therapy with adults.
2. Compare the difference between children and adults with regard to sandtray in a
therapy context.
3. Identify and explain five reasons why sandtray therapy contributes to
positive outcomes with adults.
4. Describe and discuss three therapeutic goals that can be accomplished with using
sandtray therapy with adults.
5. List three ways that sandtray can help foster adaptive behaviors in adults.
Identify potential solutions to resistance challenges when using
sandtray in the therapy setting.
Level 8 - Utilizing SandTray Therapy with Families & Couples
This workshop includes discussion of advanced professional considerations regarding the use of
sandtray therapy with couples and families. Each participant has an individual sandtray for
practice exercises and for creating individual sandtray worlds.
Prerequisites: Levels 1 – 5; (12 contact hours/2 days)
Learning Objectives:
This workshop focuses on the unique therapeutic skills required when using sandtray therapy
with couples and families.
1. List three benefits of introducing sandtray within a family system.
2. Identify new techniques for working with couples and families in sandtray therapy.
3. Describe four considerations when assessing whether sandtray therapy is appropriate for
specific couples.
4. Discuss relational skills that can be assessed when using sandtray therapy
with couples and families.
5. List five steps for de-escalation in a therapy session.
6. Demonstrate the therapeutic skills for facilitating sandtray therapy in
the context of couples and family work.
Level 9 - The Use of SandTray Therapy in Identifying and Processing Trauma
In this workshop, participants will have numerous opportunities to develop specific skills in
working with clients who are recovering from trauma. The focus will be on how to support the
client’s work, while taking care of the therapeutic relationship along the way. Participants will
use individual sandtrays to practice and refine skills. This is a TSTA qualified Level 9 course.
Prerequisites 1-4; 12 contact hours / 2 days
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. List five indicators that trauma is significantly affecting a person’s life.
2. Describe the DSM-IV definition of a PTSD trauma.
3. Identify at least five ways in which sandtray therapy supports trauma recovery.
4. Discuss the primary goal of trauma therapy.
5. Identify and discuss the three meta themes associated with trauma work
in the sandtray therapy process.
6. Consider the benefits of using sandtray therapy with trauma
survivors concerning the therapeutic relationship.
Level 10 - The Processing of Grief, Utilizing SandTray Therapy
In this workshop, participants will have numerous opportunities to develop specific skills in
working with clients who are moving through current or past grief or loss. The focus will be on
how to support the client’s work during this process. Participants will use individual sandtrays
to practice and refine sandtray therapy skills. This is a TSTA qualified Level 10 course.
Prerequisites 1-4; 12 contact hours / 2 days
Learning Objectives:
Participants will:
1. Identify how the Kubler-Ross Grief Cycle fits into the sandtray therapy model.
2. Define Traumatic Grief and how that might be processed in sandtray therapy.
3. Identify at least six situations where sandtray therapy can effectively support a client's
grieving process.
4. Discuss the ways that sandtray therapy can help support the five
different types of grieving styles.
5. List the four support areas that can be effectively explored in the sandtray
therapy process during the grieving process.
6. Name an existential support that can be explored in sandtray therapy.